Displaying 11 - 20 of 274.
The appellate body of the Cairo court of urgent matters on Thursday (July 21) handed down a ruling abolishing an earlier one to remove names and photos of former President Husnī Mubārak and his wife Suzanne off all squares, streets, schools, libraries and associations nationwide. The stormy session...
In this article, the author highlights a voice recording published at al-Marsad al-Islāmī Limuqāwmat al-Tansīr (Islamic Observatory for the Resistance to Christianization) website http://www.tanseerel.com by a Muslim who alleged that he hosted Kamīliyā after she declared her desire to convert to...
 Some prominent lawyers take legal action against President Mubarak and the head of the Kuwaiti newspaper in Cairo concerning the disappearance of Kamilia.
 The author appreciates the reaction of Maurice Sādiq, the energetic jurist, towards the visit of President Mubarak to Washington.
Sīyādah Grace, the spouse of a former ambassador, works in charitable work for thirty-five years or more and speaks three languages fluently.
The portrait of Husnī Mubarāk has been removed from most State institutions after three employes replaced it in the Cabinet headquarters three weeks ago with the word 'Āllāh' in a frame. This was followed by other governmental agencies. An official in Qalyubia Governorate, north of Cairo, said...
 President Husnī Mubārak appointed 10 MPs to the new elected parliament, including 7 Copts. The appointees included one woman, 'Amīnah Shafīq, member of National Council for Women (NCW).  
Egyptian President Husnī Mubārak has met with Pope Shenouda III ahead of Christmas celebrations. The two met at the Presidential Palace in Cairo late last month. The meeting came in light of the Pope’s perceived disappointment at the government’s actions in the ‘Umrāniyyah church construction...
Najīb Jabrā’īl Mīkhā’īl said that the first thing he would say if he were to meet President Muhammad Husnī Mubārak is that “the citizenship principle is only being carried out on paper.” 
During Obama’s meeting with President Mubarak, Copts protested the situation of Christians in Egypt. Demonstrators held banners with slogans such as "Mubarak: Make peace at home first…No more gross injustice towards Copts" and "Stop forcing Coptic girls into Islam". Some believe that Mubarak was...


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