Displaying 261 - 270 of 274.
The Egyptian government has launched an international publicity offensive in the wake of disclosures in The Telegraph last month about a brutal police crackdown on Christians in southern Egypt. Actions include paying for full-page newspaper advertisements in cash and a lobbying campaign on the...
Dr. Muhammad Hamdi Zakzouk, Egyptian Minister of Endowments, said that the vicious campaigns against Egypt which claim that there is persecution against Copts are campaigns made by suspicious foreign bodies that are obvious in their motives.
President Hosni Mubarak announced on Saturday that Ecuador had deported to Egypt a militant suspected of being involved in last November’s Luxor massacre in which 62 people were killed.
Egypt and Hosni Mubarak are the targets. Leave all these weak details, these highly elegant words and the human rights pretensions. It is just a game that those conspirators played against Egypt. What is this persecution that they are taking about? We smell the odor of the dollars that are paying...
The last Thursday and Friday have witnessed an intensive communications between the responsible governmental officials and Pope Shenouda in order to close the file of the incidents of Al-Koshh country that is located in Dar Al-Salaam headquarters In Sohag. These communications concentrated on the...
Two days after President Mubarak’s refusal to release the Israeli Spy Azam Azam, the Zionist Lobby spread across Western countries launched a rude campaign against Egypt.
Minister of Interior Habib el-Adly called for the upgrade the performance of policemen in order to avoid the recurrence of terrorist waves and an international conference on means of fighting terrorism.
Egypt, having suffered from the scourge of terrorism since 1992, has repeatedly calls for a concerted international effort to fight the worldwide phenomenon.
The British House of Commons and House of Lords passed new legislation aimed at crushing violent Northern Ireland groups but will also hit terrorists from Egypt in England.
The author shows how difficult it is to build churches in the expanding new suburbs of large cities.


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