Date of source: Monday, October 30, 2006
The author attacks an
article published by the independent newspaper al-Ghad, the mouthpiece of Ayman Nūr’s al-Ghad
Party, in which the journalist criticized the sahābah.
Date of source: Monday, October 23, 2006
The review deals with the various reactions on al-Ghad weekly supplement entitled “the worst ten figures in Islamic history. Muslim scholars and intellectuals’ opinions are displayed, together with al-Ghad members and leaders’ opinions.
Date of source: Tuesday, October 24, 2006
A discussion about shortcomings in the administration of justice in Egypt that allow unscrupulous people to get away with crime.
Date of source: Saturday, October 14, 2006 to Friday, October 20, 2006
‘Abd Allāh Kamāl spots the danger threatening
Egypt and other Sunnī countries heading towards converting to Shī‘ah.
Date of source: Saturday, October 14, 2006
This review presents the opinions of some intellectuals about offensive articles written against the Prophet’s companions. Some consider this to be an unforgivable sin, others refer to the Shī‘ah-Sunnī differences as a reason for it.
Date of source: Monday, October 9, 2006
A supplement published by the mouthpiece of the Ghad
Party, al-Ghad newspaper,
entitled "The worst 10 figure in Islamic history," has provoked strong
public reaction and led Islamic lawyer,
Mamdūh Ismā‘īl, to sue the newspaper. The
list of names included some of the
prophet’s companions and ‘...
Date of source: Friday, July 7, 2006
The Egyptian prosecution
releases a large number of detained pro-judges
protestors of different political affiliations.
Date of source: Monday, May 22, 2006
Nearly 480 people, including 314 members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood have been arrested on charges of organizing unauthorized demonstrations in support of the judges, who blew the whistle on election fraud.
Date of source: Sunday, September 18, 2005
Discussing the future of the Muslim Brotherhood group is a very thorny issue. The tricks they played during the presidential elections on many political parties make it clear that they should never be trusted.
Date of source: Friday, September 16, 2005
Letters containing the Muslim Brotherhood’s Irshād [Guidance] office’s instructions for voting in the presidential election have been secretly circulated.