Displaying 41 - 50 of 1649.
In their statements to RT, Egyptian analysts expressed their evaluation for the departure of U.S troops from Afghanistan and its significance amid the rapid territorial gains made by the Taliban movement [Ṭālibān] in the country.
The Sixth International Conference of the General Secretariat for Fatwā Authorities Worldwide, organized by the Egyptian Dār al-Iftāʾ, under the auspices of President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī, unveiled the operational plan of “Salām Center for Extremism Studies”.
The Coptic Orthodox Church and the Evangelical Community, represented in, Pope Tawāḍrūs II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, and Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī, the President of the Evangelical Community in Egypt, mourn with great sadness the martyrs of the homeland who died in the...
The Ministry of Youth and Sports signed a memorandum of understanding with the Social Coptic Foundation for Development (EGYCOPT), on Sunday, to provide training grants for young men and women to qualify them for the needs of the labor market
With the rising influence of the Taliban [Ṭālibān] in Afghanistan, neighbouring Pakistan is seeking to confront violent extremism, not only militarily, but ideologically. Islamabad depends on the support of al-Azhar in Egypt, to enable Pakistani Imams, specifically military imams, to combat...
Why do we often talk about Copts and the 1952 Revolution? Was the revolution at that time against the Copts as a religious sect, as if we still lived in the Ottoman confessional system? Was the revolution against the interests of the feudal and capitalist class of the Copts alone?  Do we measure...
Al-Wafd interviewed newly ordained Archbishop of the Anglican/Episcopal Church Sāmī Fawzī, discussing several topics like the new personal status law and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam dispute.  The interview is as follows:
Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism (AOCE) said that pursuing media and fatwā materials released by extremist organisations is a top priority for the observatory. The observatory dwells into the discourse of these groups in order to know what their aims are, so it can refute such ideas,...
Egyptian churches announced that they have taken a number of urgent measures to support Egypt in its position regarding the Nile waters, after Ethiopia had stated it started the second filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in a unilateral action.
In 2011 many demonstrations were held in Egypt against the military adminstration. During one of these demonstrations one female protestor was subjected to the torture of soldiers, her clothes were torn, and her blue bra was uncovered. As a result of this event, 10.000 women filled the streets on...


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