Displaying 271 - 280 of 347.
Although it was the Grand Imam of the Azhar, Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī, who had recommended the appointment of Shaykh cAlī Jumca as the Muftī of the Republic, their squabbles have not ceased. Shaykh ‘Alī Jum‘a was perceived as violating the unanimous fatwas of the Islamic Research Institute...
H.E. Dr. Amat Abdel Alim [Ama al-‘Alīm al-Sousuwa], Yemeni Minister of Human Rights, spoke about improving human rights in Yemen and its relation to attracting tourism to the country.
The writer believes that human rights, part of which is religious freedom, cannot be achieved by investigating or writing reports. Human rights does not mean distributing humanitarian aid. She wonders why, if the US Commission on International Religious Freedom is concerned with the conditions of...
According to the report of the Human Rights Watch on Egypt, the government of President Hosni Mubarak intensified its efforts to exercise control over civil society institutions, harassing and restricting the activities of political parties, human rights and other nongovernmental organizations (...
No formal notification of the indictments or the court date has been sent to any of the defendants in the Case of Saad Eddin Ibrahim. However, persistent inquiry has confirmed that the case is indeed on the court docket for November 18th, 2000. A number of international organizations, including...
In the symposium that was held in the Cairo Center for Human Rights the attendants agreed to support the freedom of "Ijtihad" and the people who try to do it, because it is not only the case of Abdel Sabour Shahin, it is the case of freedom.
The citizens of this region are exposed daily to different forms of torture and persecution with the intention of erasing their Islamic identity. There are several means to accomplish this. For instance, the people who attend the mosques are arrested. The government officials arrange terrorist acts...
Bishop Wissa’s name is central to the understanding of the violence [Fitna] in Al-Kosheh, both in 1998 and in the more recent events. Since the first events of Al-Koshh in 1998, his name has become known outside his bishopric and Egypt’s borders and [his name] was repeated continuously in the Press...
In a recent television program "Editor-in-Chief" the talk was about equality of citizenship for all Egyptians and how to avoid discrimination between Muslims and Copts especially the issue of categorizing religion on identity cards which prevents people from gaining employment. The guests were...
No doubt, the last incidents of Al-Kosheh are a disaster, by all means. They were not the result of terrorism that can be contained, but sprang out of the sectarian atmosphere that was found to be embedded in hearts and souls.


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