Displaying 191 - 200 of 469.
Al-Waily Misdemeanor Appeals court has ruled to punish Ahmad Muhammad Abd Allah, more known as Abu Islam, with jail for 6 months in the second lawsuit presented by Najuīb Jubrā’il, accusing him of contempt of religion. 
Nubians in Suez have requested the dismissal of the Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Aswan Governor and its Security Director and to investigate their responsibility in the tribal clashes that took place in Aswan and led to more than 25 deaths.
  Egyptian media articles released this morning tackled many issues, some of which are reviewed below:
Father Ibrāhīm Isḥāq, Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church of Egypt, participated in the Synod on Young People at the Vatican, which was presided over by Pope Francis.  In his speech to the Synod, the Catholic Patriarch said “I bring you greetings from young Egyptians.  These youth are growing...
On Tuesday, Anba Ibrāhīm Isḥāq, Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church, met with Kang Woong Sik, the chairman of the Korean Egyptian Development Association (KEDA), Sin Yang Bik, Usāma al-Bāz and Dr. Hudā Jalāl, Head of the Arab Women Investors Union, in the Coptic Catholic Church.
Muhammad Mukhtār Gum’ah, Minister of Endowments, has dismissed Ahmad Issá Hassan al- Ma’sarāwī from his post as the head reciter due to his vocal support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Rab’ah Square during the sitin (Wā’il Fāyiz, al- Watan, April 4, p. 2). Read original text in Arabic.
Anonymous sources stated to al- Shurūq, that a number of mediators have communicated with Dr. Muhammad Alī Bishr, who has been delegated with the political affairs of the Muslim Brotherhood in an attempt to resolve the current political conflict. The sources stated that Bishr commented that these...
Pope Tawadros denied statements that were attributed to him yesterday that “the nomination of Field Marshall al- Sīsī is a general duty”. He denied making any statements to media in the past  two weeks. Al- Watan, a Kuwaiti newspaper has published statements attributed to Pope Tawadros claiming...
Five years have now elapsed since the June 30 Revolution broke out in 2013 forming a major landmark in the modern history of Egypt. However, some western intellectuals and politicians, such as the French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, viewed it as a military coup. But the truth is that it is...


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