Displaying 251 - 260 of 469.
An initiative was launched with participation of the Azhar, the ministry of awqāf (endowments) and the Coptic Orthodox Church in a bid to defuse the strife between revolting youths and the interior ministry after three days of clashes between the two sides as young people are trying to storm the...
Al-Watan newspaper’s reporter Muná Madkūr in an interview with Hishām al-’Ashrī, founder of the Salafī Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in Egypt; al-’Ashrī has got the American citizenship, his upbringing has Muslim Brotherhood backgrounds; however, he implements the...
The Egyptian National Authority for Tunnels (NAT) announced the replacement of the fatwā kiosks, one of which was located at Cairo’s main metro station of al-Shuhadāʾ, with art exhibitions, according to sources quoting Egyptian Minister of Transport.
The second major publication by economist and urban planner David Sims, renowned author of Understanding Cairo. The Logic of a City Out of Control (AUC Press, 2010), is titled Egypt’s Desert Dreams (AUC Press, 2014). Sims is an American scholar who has been based in Egypt since 1974.
The Egyptian Writers' Union, headed by Dr.  ʿAlā ʾ ʿAbd al-Khāliq [Alaa Abd Elkhaleq] mourns, along with the creative and intellectual audience in Egypt and the MENA region, the loss of the great novelist Aḥmad al-Shaykh. Aḥmad al-Shaykh passed away yesterday evening, at the age of 78. In his...
The government did not suspend any consumer cards. This article refers to the article “the Insanity of a Travel Ban to Siwa.”
Tuesday, March 7th, 2017—major protests and demonstrations erupted in several cities across Egypt, including Alexandria, al-Minyā, Disūq, and Cairo’s own Imbāba in response to the government decision to stop accepting several types of the government issued ration cards for subsidized bread.
Field Marshal Muhammad Husayn Tantāwī, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), gave instructions to appoint 10 new deputies in parliament.   Marian Malāk, a 27-year-old woman, who carries a university degree in law, English language, the youngest member of parliament, said she...
Meanwhile, Mahmūd al-Saqqā, who chaired the People's Assembly procedural session on Monday (January 23), announced that Sa'd al-Katātnī, a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood group's Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), was elected speaker of the parliament.   Katātnī garnered 399 out of a total...
Results announced by Egypt's High Judicial Elections Commission (HJEC) showed that six Christians and six women won seats in the recent parliamentary elections. [Author Not Mentioned, al-Akhbār, Jan. 22, p. 5]


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