Displaying 21 - 30 of 80.
On August 14, 2013, the Egyptian government broke up the Rābiʿa and al-Nahḍa sit-ins after roughly six weeks since deposing the Muslim Brotherhood from power.  Afterwards, several of those participating in the sit-ins fled to Turkey. 
Egyptian Musician Hānī Mihannā’s statements about prison conditions in Egypt for senior businessmen, politicians, and ministers at the beginning of President al-Sīsī’s reign in 2014 has sparked controversy. 
Statements made by musician and composer Hānī Mihannā about his time in prison with former President Ḥusnī Mubārak's sons and others have sparked outrage on Egyptian social media
Israelis believe that the Egypt’s reaction to the implementation of the plan to annex areas in the West Bank and impose Israeli sovereignty over them would be “restrained,” based on past events targeting Palestinians like the Intifadas, wars in the Gaza Strip, and the Trump administration’s...
Egyptian and French officials held discussions on Sunday related to terrorism, extremism, and political developments in the region. 
Several Arab governments, specifically in the Gulf, are having a tough time dealing with the results of the American presidential elections as their favored candidate, Donald Trump, lost to Joe Biden, whose policies are expected to be more critical towards them.
Less than a month after the signing of a peace deal between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, American President Donald Trump announced a peace deal between Israel and Bahrain.  In a joint statement, the United States, Israel, and Bahrain, said that “This is a historic breakthrough to further...
President ʿAbd al-Fattaḥ al-Sīsī warned that he would not tolerate any threat to the security of Egypt’s western border and emphasized that the cities of Sirte and Jufra in Libya are a red line for Egypt.
World Refugee Day has been celebrated annually on June 20 since 2001. This year Egypt’s Supreme Higher Committee for Human Rights cooperated with the Foreign Affairs Ministry’s Department for Immigration, Refugees and Combating Human Trafficking, to review national efforts to support issues...
The Muslim World League has called on the international community to uphold its responsibilities and take practical steps to implement “the Cairo Declaration on Libya”, which aims to establish a ceasefire, find a political solution to the Libyan crisis, and preserve Libya’s territorial integrity.


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