Displaying 51 - 60 of 80.
Representative for the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Yemen ʿAlī Dahāq stated on Tuesday that available statistics show that the number of children being used in the conflict in Yemen over the past 10 years has risen to 75,000 in different regions.
Arab-West Report intern Willem Helbing wrote the following article for the Maadi Messenger in 2016. Arab-West Report cooperates with the Maadi Messenger and as a consequence interns have frequently written articles for the Maadi Messenger. The Maadi Messenger agrees these articles are also used for...
Report of an intern meeting on July 26, 2016, with Olivia Keller and Willem Helbing about their experiences in Lesvos (Lesbos) in respectively November 2015 and July 2016. The two experiences show a huge difference before and after the European-Turkey agreement of March 20, 2016. This text was...
The annual conference at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, commonly known as the National Resilience Conference, which kicked off on Sunday, was preoccupied with three main issues.  The most important issues were related to Israel's prospects and ability to win a future war and questions about...
Germany criticized the massive arrest campaign conducted by the Egyptian security forces last Friday in advance of demonstrations scheduled for next Friday aimed at asking the Egyptian President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī to step down.
Water experts criticized Sudan’s former positions in negotiations with Egypt and Ethiopia over the Renaissance Dam, saying the positions amounted to political games as opposed to serving the country’s strategic interests.  These experts further warned that if the new government under the leadership...
A number of human rights organizations released a joint statement, expressing their concern about the increase of arrests and detainments throughout Egypt after the protests on September 20th.  The organizations stated that operations to kidnap and arbitrarily detain protesters, activists, lawyers...
On Friday evening, protests calling for the downfall of the regime broke out in several Egyptian cities and continued until early Saturday morning.  However, most of the Egyptian media didn’t mention them.  Their coverage came in different forms: ignoring the protests, reporting inaccurately that...
In a statement on Sunday, the United States called on Iraqi's government to hold early elections, to carry out electoral reforms and to stop using violence against the protesters. The White House expressed its profound concerns declaring "The United States is seriously concerned by continued...
Tunisians vote on Sunday in the second presidential elections since the 2011 uprising to determine the successor of the late Mohamed Beji Caid Essebsi [Muhammad al-Bājī Qā’id as-Sibsī], who died in January of this year. While a diverse group of 26 candidates representing various factions of...


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