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Q: Can you explain a little bit about yourself and your role in StARS?
A: In the summer of 2021 I worked with StARS giving support to the development of the curriculum. I came back for two more months, and now I am giving voluntary support with registration and legal issues. I designed the...
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Q: Can you introduce yourself?
A: My name is Envy Baptist. I am a teacher and I am here now working in the embassy at the Cultural Department. We coordinate mostly the cases of all our students, making sure that they are admitted to Egyptian public universities. We have around 8.500 South-Sudanese...
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Q: Can you introduce yourself?
A: I am Amira Salima, Educational Officer at Catholic Relief Services. Basically, I work with higher-age refugees and students who want to study in Egyptian universities.
Q: In which ways does CRS support refugee students?
A: CRS supports students from KG to...
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Q: Do you know any case of a Sudanese refugee student going to a private primary or public secondary school in Egypt?
A: Yes, I know many of them. They are mostly South Sudanese. When they arrive here many apply to attend private Egyptian schools. I have a little girl in my house going to a private...
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Asha is from South Sudan. She went to the Matariya Adventist school. She told me that this school used to have a partnership with an international Brazilian private school, the Nile Union Academy which is also under the Adventist church. The Nile Union Academy is a boarding school. If you really...
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Diana and Lydia, both Eritrean refugees with their blue card, told me that they have a good relationship with their embassy. On the one hand, Lydia explained to me that when Sarah, her sister, passed away, they wanted to bury her body in Eritrea because here in Egypt they would have to cremate her...
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Under United States law, a refugee is someone who is located outside of the United States, demonstrates that they were persecuted, or fear persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. A lot of refugees are people under...
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Júlia: I asked them several questions and these are her main findings:
-Many students complain about school fees being higher than worth it
-Are you happy with your teachers? They told me that of the 6 teachers they are just happy with 3 of them. They told me that usually, they have language...
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I came to Egypt in 2016. During that time, there was a widespread belief that if you speak about your problems to the UNHCR and its branches or other humanitarian organizations that would present you with a chance to move to a better place like Canada or Europe. We were naive. My mother and I...
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Session 1: 14/02/2021
I came from Sudan to Egypt through the desert, and it was so dramatic. We passed the mountains, and it was so hard. It is not safe at all. My mum at that time was pregnant, but I did not know she was pregnant. I was 17 at that time. But you know, we left Sudan because life...