Displaying 51 - 60 of 150.
The author expresses the opinion that the aim behind the Western criticism of the Islamic religious discourse is to secularize Islam and thus empty it of its core. He comments on the effects of secularism on Western Christianity, believing that it left nothing but destruction. Thus he warned...
The article discusses the religious background of the establishment of the United States of America which shaped its policies and tendencies for more than two hundred years.
Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn Abdel-Aziz called upon Muslims and Christians in Russia to keep the unity of their society and combat any force that tries to create division between the two religions.
The author comments on the attempts of the US to intervene in the domestic affairs of Egypt through Copts.
The article sheds light on some underground religious groups in the US.
The author discusses the issue of the conflict between civilizations, stating that religions, especially Christianity and Islam, are forced into it as a main element. She uses four arguments to refute the proposition of religions being part of the conflict.
US police in the state of North Carolina arrested Erick Rudolf. Rudolf is a Christian extremist accused of bombing two abortion clinics, a nightclub for homosexuals and the bombing in Atlanta during the Olympics of 1996. What Rudolf did is an expression of religious extremist movements beginning to...
The article is an overview of an article published in the Time magazine about Christianity and faith in Europe under the title: ‘Has God died in the hearts of people?”
The author believes that the US contradicts itself as it launches wars and pressures other countries to apply its concepts of democracy, human rights and religious tolerance while it violates all these concepts. He gives overviews of articles in American papers to support his argument.
The article is a review of a book by German theologian Hans Kung. The book is titled “Christianity and the Religions of the World.” Kung discusses the possibility of establishing dialogue between the main religions of the world.


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