Date of source: Thursday, August 11, 2005
An American church has adopted resolutions boycotting American companies that support Israel. This church has also been joined by other churches who have promised to adopt similar resolutions unless the United States removes the wall dividing Israel and Palestine.
Date of source: Monday, July 11, 2005
News of the inauguration of the first female priest in France yet adds to the shock waves sent to Egypt’s Orthodox Church from the West, after past announcements on the ordainment of a homosexual priest, the sanctioning of same-sex marriage and late Pope John Paul II’s statements exculpating the...
Date of source: Saturday, July 2, 2005 to Friday, July 8, 2005
Christianity can be abbreviated in just one word: love, which is the center of Jesus Christ’s teachings. It is, however, the most difficult religion to understand, according to French magazine VSD, which published a special file on the three divine religions.
Date of source: Tuesday, June 28, 2005
The French magazine Science et Vie [Science and Life] has proven the shroud exhibited in Torino and claimed to be the one in which the body of the Christ was wrapped after his crucifixion, to be fake.
Date of source: Saturday, November 9, 2002
Right wing fundamentalists Christians, known in Egypt as Zionist Christianity, enjoy far-reaching influence on the current American administration. Their influence is more active and profound than that of the Zionist right wing. This is because it focuses on the religious and cultural conflicts...
Date of source: Saturday, October 12, 2002 to Friday, October 18, 2002
President Bush supports a project to prohibit mixing of sexes in American schools. Some people wonder how that could happen in America. Members of Bush´ administration hold dogmatic and retrospective ideas. They call for the preservation of traditions. Bush´s support for the segregation...
Date of source: Saturday, October 5, 2002 to Friday, October 11, 2002
Some British Islamic groups allowed shedding the blood of a Jewish-American author because he offended Christianity and insulted Jesus Christ in a play that he wrote. They claim that the content of the play is also offensive to Islam because Islam does not differentiate between the three revealed...
Date of source: Tuesday, September 10, 2002
The article sheds light on the Christian religious map in America. The author believes that the most powerful church in America is the Protestant Church and that some of the many groups belonging to it can play an important role concerning the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Sudanese civil war.
Date of source: Tuesday, August 20, 2002
The National Council of American Churches has called upon all American local churches to open their doors to Muslims in the memoriam of the September 11 attacks. The Presbyterian Church in America is very enthusiastic about the call. It will start a small project, part of which is inviting ten...
Date of source: Sunday, August 25, 2002
A Christian reader comments on Islamic intellectual Mustafa Mahmoud´s article "American civilization." He points out that Eastern Christians differ from Western Christians in race, culture, language, traditions and even in understanding religion. Mahmoud supports this opinion.