Date of source: Monday, June 16, 2003
The article is an overview of an article published in the Time magazine about Christianity and faith in Europe under the title: ‘Has God died in the hearts of people?”
Date of source: Sunday, June 15, 2003
The author believes that the US contradicts itself as it launches wars and pressures other countries to apply its concepts of democracy, human rights and religious tolerance while it violates all these concepts. He gives overviews of articles in American papers to support his argument.
Date of source: Sunday, May 25, 2003
The article is a review of a book by German theologian Hans Kung. The book is titled “Christianity and the Religions of the World.” Kung discusses the possibility of establishing dialogue between the main religions of the world.
Date of source: Friday, May 9, 2003
Christian leaders in the US hosted a conference the day before yesterday in which they criticized the anti-Islam statements of some pastors, such as, Franklin Graham, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. They believe that such statements lead to more hostility and stress the importance of renewing...
Date of source: Saturday, May 10, 2003
Some prominent leaders of American Evangelical churches met to discuss relations between Muslims and Christians in the US and the nature of the Christian religious discourse when speaking about Islam. The meeting was organized by the National Evangelical Association and the Religious and Democracy...
Date of source: Friday, May 2, 2003
The National Council of Churches of the US, the Islamic Assembly in North America, and the Religious Action Association for Reformed Judaism organized a meeting in the US. Religious leaders urged President George Bush in this meeting to abandon future wars based on preemptive strikes.
Date of source: Monday, April 28, 2003
The author gives a brief background about the position of the church in the Russian society before and after the fall of the Soviet Union and about how Easter is celebrated there. He also reports a statement by the Russian Patriarch concerning the Iraqi crisis. The patriarch warns against playing...
Date of source: Thursday, April 17, 2003
The author wonders what the real reason behind the war on Iraq is and which Holy Bible President Bush reads. He reminds Bush with some Biblical verses that urge on love, mercy, peace and tolerance
Date of source: Saturday, March 29, 2003 to Friday, April 4, 2003
The article is an overview of the life of Desiderius Erasmus, who is one of the most prominent Christian reformers. He was accused of helping Martin Luther in preparing his articles to reform the Catholic Church.
Date of source: Monday, March 31, 2003
The daily Ma’ariv published a photo of a wall painting in one of the churches of the Italian city of Bologna representing the devil pulling the Prophet Muhammad towards hell. The author believes that the Israeli paper published this photo with the intension of creating divisions between Muslims and...