Date of source: Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Cornelis Hulsman and Michael Meunier first met on July 1, 1999. Meunier followed a very aggressive tone of questioning but in the end they agreed to exchange information. It was Hulsman´s aim to engage in dialogue. He sent lots of background reports the RNSAW had produced on July 7. Meunier...
Date of source: Friday, June 27, 2003
The US Copts Association issued a press release on April 3 stating that its president Michael Meunier “will be addressing the U.N.” on the status of the Copts during the 59th session of the Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. The formulation “addressing the UN,” sounded very big. Was...
Date of source: Wednesday, June 11, 2003
The article a summary of a lengthy Arabic text Michael Meunier wrote to Father Marcos. He argues that the Copts of Egypt are a minority. Meunier introduced this text on the Copts Daily Digest of June 11 as “my response to those ignorant in Egypt who have no idea what the term means or whom it...
Date of source: Monday, June 2, 2003
Michael Meunier and Sabri F. Gohara of the US Copts Association attack Father Marcos who had asked the Egyptian public to understand their position. Meunier’s attack aims at destroying Father Marcos’ credibility through presenting his character in the most negative way possible instead of focusing...
Date of source: Monday, May 19, 2003
Father Marcos asks readers of Sout al-Umma to understand the position of Michael Meunier but also has some words of advise for Meunier, primarily not to use the word ‘minority’ and respect the unity between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
Date of source: Monday, May 12, 2003
This article criticizes the lies of the US Copts Association that were earlier spread via paid advertisements in American newspapers. This time, however, emigrant Copts were given a chance to voice their claims in the United Nations (UN) during a meeting of the Human Rights Committee.
Date of source: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Dr. Otto Meinardus, member of the AWR board of advisors, passed away.
Date of source: Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Human rights activist Rā’id al-Sharqāwī disputes claims of the US Copts Association that a priest from al-Zaqāzīq was murdered through a car accident.
Date of source: Sunday, November 28, 2004
To start with I ask my friend Dr. Nabil Sharaffeddin’s permission to borrow from a title he used for an article printed in Watani last October. The article was entitled “Tales from Najaa al-Nassaara” (Egyptian colloquial for Upper Egyptian hamlets –Najaa-the majority of whose inhabitants are...
Date of source: Monday, December 23, 2002
Coptic organizations in the USA thanks President Mubarak for his decision establishing January 7, Coptic Christmas, as a national holiday for Christians and Muslims.