Displaying 261 - 270 of 412.
Bishop Ghabriel writes sister Fayza lives "in a secure position and the church is perfectly taking care of her. Her children are enjoying great care and love, on the part of the church. The church is also keen on solving her financial and social problems." And "We want brother Michael Mounier to...
We wrote in the RNSAW, week 17, art. 18, that the information in the April 27 press release of the US Copts Association claiming the Egyptian government "moves to abduct two Coptic children from their own mother and hand them to strangers, under the name of Islam!" is misleading. Both the chairman...
The Bishop of Tanta stressed that there was no difference between the children of Egypt [Muslims and Christians], pointing out the support the state gives to the building and restoration of churches.
A Christian mother and Muslim father are battling in a US civil court for custody of their 3 small children. The father has asked the courts to give him sole custody of the children in order to ensure that the children to be "influenced" by Christianity. It does appear that the court will strip the...
Press release about the struggle over the custody of two children in Egypt. The problem started with a Christian converting to Islam in 1991 in order to obtain a divorce from his wife. In 1996 he returned to Christianity but this is considered apostasy in Islam and is not recognized according to...
This press release compliments the previous article in RNSAW and sees this as an encouragement to use new information technology for Coptic activists living outside Egypt.
Academic article on the impact of the Coptic lobby outside Egypt, a relatively small group of people who use the latest communication technology to increase their voice.
No doubt there are some emigrant Copts who transgressed all limits in their extremism against Egyptian policy. No one can be considered a traitor, except when a court has ruled him as such. And no one can be considered an apostate except when he says this about himself. Accusing emigrant Copts and...
The article is an interview with The Christian Egyptian billionaire, Onsi Sawirus, who was the only Egyptian the American magazine "Fortune" put in its list of the richest people in the world. Among many questions about his business and his company group, Orascom, he was asked his opinion of...
Despite the fact that emigrant Copts count for a small percentage, they used the media as a weapon and started publishing paid advertisements about their inaccurate claims concerning the persecution of Copts. The pamphlets they distribute only put the Copts of Egypt in critical situations.


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