Displaying 21 - 30 of 35.
A review of articles concerning the Washington Conference of expatriate Copts, which the Egyptian press has tended to view as a U.S. / Zionist / expatriate Coptic attempt to attack Egypt.
It is not easy to admit that the Coptic issue has become increasingly complicated since the emergence of political Islam and that relations between Muslims and Copts have deteriorated in recent years. The recommendations of the Washington conference are similar to those of the previous conference...
The author predicts some of the resolutions that might come out of the Washington Conference on "Supporting democratic change for Muslims and Christians in Egypt.”
The Washington conference of Coptic activists called for a power-sharing deal, between Muslims and Christians, along the model of Sudan. They have also demanded that Egypt become a secular state.
Youssef Sidhom updates readers on the ongoing problem of citizenship rights in Egypt.
Meunir claims that he speaks on behalf of 700,000 Copts in the United States although recent official statistics assert that there are less than 150,000 Americans of Egyptian origin. Supported by Senator Brownback, he urged the Egyptian government to make the Coptic language, along with Arabic, an...
The Copts in Egypt are used by the authorities as a scapegoat to keep the government in office.
A number of Egyptian Copts and clergy respond to ‘Adlī Abādīr’s invitation to the Washington conference, scheduled for November 17.
In an interview, Pope Shenouda III answers questions about the Coptic Orthodox Church’s stance towards expatriate Copts and the conference they were to hold to discuss persecution of Copts in Egypt. Other issues, such as the Church’s stands towards the presidential and parliamentary elections are...
Expatriate Copts living in the United States have been divided into two camps, the hawks and the doves.


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