Displaying 41 - 50 of 462.
While Poet Aḥmad al-Shahāwī intends to file a claim against the Shaykh of the Azhar, reliable sources at the Islamic Research Academy assert that the Azhar withdrew al-Shahāwī’s book but did not deem the poet Kāfir.
The author condemns the fact that no one honored Farag Foda, neither in his life nor after his death, although he fought extremism and was assassinated because of his anti-terrorism ideas. He sheds light on the role Foda played in fighting terrorism.
Another Coptic teenager disappears. Her family accused a Muslim young man of kidnapping the girl. The father said that the minutes he signed at the police station had been falsified, and that after he had signed they added his alleged acknowledgment of a love relationship between his daughter and...
While the majority of Muslim schools impose the death penalty on people who convert from Islam, the Qur’ān imposes no earthly punishment for conversion, andtheProphet Muhammad never killed anybody for apostasy. In the following lines Muslim thinker Jamāl al-Bannā writes about tolerance in Islam and...
The Administrative Court realized the danger of conversion to Islam for fulfilling personal aims before asking to re-embrace Christianity. The author argues that the church authorization of divorce will solve complicated problems of conversion.
The writer criticizes the State’s control of the people’s right to freely express and criticize the corruption in Egypt. He advocates criticism of the damaged regime, hoping that it will enable change.
The author comments on political Islam, and the people that have fought to combat this image of Islam. She further comments on controversial Fatwás, as well as Muslim-Christian relations.
According to a Canadian newspaper, about 100 Egyptian Coptic families are in hiding in Canada or waiting for a refugee hearing.
Dr. ‘Imarah discusses how the West fears the spread of the Islamic civilization and therefore wages wars against Islamic fundamentalism and not against terrorism.
Hānī Labīb criticizes what Dr.‘Imārah has said in the meeting with the graduates of the Azhar University about al-fitnah al-tā’ifīyah in Egypt.


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