Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
In less than two months I have heard the talk about the jizya [tax on non-Muslims under a Muslim government] taking place twice from our honorable scholars. I tried as much as I could to avoid involvement in this thorny issue but finally I realized that the return of this sectarian undertone to...
The issue of “freedom of expression” has resurfaced after [Egyptian] writer Usama Anwar Okasha attributed to Amr Ibn Al-’Aas, one of Prophet Muhammad’s Companions, some traits disagreeing with honesty and exemplary behavior. Religious scholars in Egypt were disturbed, and decided to take the issue...
The heated controversy in Egypt over the statements of the writer Usama Anwar Okasha has been escalated. In a press article, Okasha attacked the Companion of the Prophet Amr Ibn Al-‘As and made some accusations against him, which some people considered an insult to Amr Ibn Al-‘As. - See art. 7...
Renowned writer Usama Anwar Okasha, in an interview with an independent weekly newspaper, dwelt on the reasons why he declined to venture into historical figures in the scripts he wrote for TV series.
Let the small buds grow and let the thoughts compete, said a friend of mine, adding, that when Usama Anwar Okasha gave his opinion of Amr Ibn Al-‘As, the Muslim conqueror of Egypt, he was severely attacked by various religious leaders, whereas when Abu Moussa Al-Ash’ari, one of Prophet Muhammad’s...
There is a current debate concerning Amr Ibn Al-'As, and whether he was a pious figure. Islamic imposters have viciously attacked anyone who criticizes him, claiming that he is an Islamic figure, and affording him a holiness that has no religious or historical support.
There has recently been an uproar against [prominent dramatist] Usama Anwar Okasha for allegedly transgressing against Islam. This article presents his opinions.
Like many others, I felt sad and angry watching that repressive “melodrama” by some symbols of extremism in a clear attempt to harm screenwriter Usama Anwar Okasha, a man of enlightened creativity. Matters went even worse as some had filed a hisba [the right of a Muslim to defend public morality,...
Over and over again, we are just seeing the same incidents, names and climate that brought about terrorism, takfir [accusing someone of unbelief] and hisba [the right of a Muslim to defend public morality, suing on behalf of religion]. - See art. 18, 19: Screening the Soap Opera "Bint min Shurba...
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