Displaying 191 - 200 of 207.
Before I talk about the advising sessions held for those who wish to convert to Islam, I would like to tell a story that may help explain the importance of such sessions to the Coptic Orthodox Church.
The procedures taken to keep whoever converts to Islam inside the monasteries will have serious repercussions leading to the spread of secret Islam inside the Church. Certainly there will be secret contacts between the new converts and this will in turn create intra anti-Church groups and networks.
January 20, 2005 was a different day in the life of the 53-year-old mother Līza Yousuf Rizq. She announced that her five children and herself had converted to Islam a few days ago.
The author responds to a letter of Mr. Geir Valle of Norwegian Church Aid on Christian missionary work. It would benefit Muslim-Christian relations if both Muslims and Christians could see beyond any doubt that a Christian convert to Islam or a Muslim to Christianity was 100% genuine. That may be...
"I believe the report of Dr. Yanney is very important. He wrote it in a balanced way and raised many issues that need discussion in Egypt" says Dr. Samir Marcos. But the issue of conversions is not really discussed because churches in Egypt are divided and "do not want to see reality."
Revd. Dr. John Watson commented on the report of Dr. Rodolph Yanney on conversions of Christians to Islam [RNSAW, 2001, week 01, art. 4]. He believes that it is better for internal investigation of this topic to be conducted by the Copts in Egypt, but not by the hierarchy. The issue needs to focus...
Dr. Rodolph Yanney, president of the Society of Coptic Church Studies and founder and editor of Coptic Church Review in 1980, gave the RNSAW permission to bring his articles in the Copts Digest and the Coptic Daily Digest, published in 1999, together in one report describing the factors leading to...
S. M. Al-Homosani wrote Aqidaty he converted to Islam a year ago. When his family found out they threatened to kill him and forced him to sign a written confession that he has left Islam and returned. He asks if he is considered an apostate because he signed that confession, although deep in his...
A Muslim woman, who is married to a non-Muslim and had a baby by him, wrote to Aqidati to ask about the Islamic judgment on her marriage. The secretary of the Fatwa [religious decree given by a Muslim scholar, a Mufti] Committee in the Azhar wrote in reply: "All the scholars of Islam have agreed...
Sub-title: The Prophet did not kill any Muslim who renounced his religion The book of the Islamic intellectual Gamal Al-Banna "Islam and the freedom of thought" which was issued lately, raised many questions concerning the issue of apostasy. This is an interview with Gamal Al-Banna who says: "My...


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