Displaying 1 - 10 of 14.
The author condemns the fact that no one honored Farag Foda, neither in his life nor after his death, although he fought extremism and was assassinated because of his anti-terrorism ideas. He sheds light on the role Foda played in fighting terrorism.
The writer criticizes the State’s control of the people’s right to freely express and criticize the corruption in Egypt. He advocates criticism of the damaged regime, hoping that it will enable change.
The author comments on political Islam, and the people that have fought to combat this image of Islam. She further comments on controversial Fatwás, as well as Muslim-Christian relations.
There is no doubt June 8, 1992 was a sad day, not only for the secularist intellectuals, but also for any thinker who knows the value of free intellect and how criminal it was to confront the powers of thought with the powers of bullets.
Former Czech President Vaclav Havel wrote in the first chapter of his book “Summer Meditations” that he had to utilize the minimum level of every person’s positive trends in a bid to put an end to the chaos emerged following he collapse of his country’s old totalitarian regime.
The title of a martyr is the most honorable title and it is not that easy to call anybody a martyr. While the title of martyr is always associated with Hassan Al-Banna, who was the first to plant the seed of extremism, many people object to calling Farag Foda a martyr.
Sayyid al-Qimnī writes about the way Arabs and Muslims deal with the issue of accepting the “Other” saying that we worry about our mental health and religion from the "other,” the unbeliever, but we are captives to backwardness and darkness and imagine unreal dangers that would harm us if we faced...
"Giving statements requires being logical and fluent, and everything that lacks reason and does not reveal a truth is not a statement, even in signed by a hundred "intellectuals"!!, whether headed or not headed by Said Al-Naggar [Al-Naggar means the carpenter], the blacksmith, or even Said the car-...
... we asked the professors of the Azhar and Islamic scholars for their opinion on what Al-Banna says. Their rage and objections against what he said surprised us. They made it clear that the apostate’s punishment is death and that a Muslim has no freedom to leave his religion.
Response to Al-Mougi’s article. The author claims the method the Islamic extremist groups use in arguing is wrong. The author deliberately lied - I apologize for saying this - when he said that Farag Foda wrote bad articles about God, Islam, and His prophet...


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