Displaying 11 - 18 of 18.
The article explains that apocryphal books are fabricated and contradict with authentic Christian beliefs.
The article highlights the criticism directed to Pope Shenouda upon what he wrote in his last book.
Comment on lack of tolerance for differences in views, often related to religious principles and displayed in various media. Two Cairo lectures by William Dalrymple show a strong Christian population decline in the Arab World.
A review of a book by author Andreas Baumann, showing that being an advocate of Christian missionary work also can result in a critical self-reflection.
Pope Shenouda defends his decision to give instructions that no one should pray over the body of the deceased priest Ibrahim Abd al-Sayed.
Dr. George Habib [Bebawi] wrote an article in El-Arabi newspaper entitled "A retrospective reading of history", in its issue No. 467 on 19/9/1999. I was not surprised by his attack on the Church and its leaderships because this is what he always did. Rather, I was surprised by the mistakes on what...
Like the Islamic group called "Al-Taqfir wa Al-Hijra" who committed a series of assassinations against who opposed them in their ideas or opinions, the author says that there is a group of Copts who are also trying to trying to declare as apostate some Christian thinkers because they oppose them...
Sub-Titles: A Christian lawyer accuses the priest of deviating from Christianity because of an [newspaper] article. A response to the view of a Coptic priest who rejects adoption because of its pagan, Byzantine origin: a first inside the Coptic Church, last week a lawyer filed a lawsuit demanding...


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