Displaying 1 - 10 of 25.
Zakariyyā 'Abd al-'Azīz, first general attorney at the Cairo appellate instance, decided to postpone the trial of dancer Samā al-Masrī until she had sent her lawyer. A lawsuit has  been filed against her accusing her of disrupting public order with video clips during the era of Mursī which was...
Al-Amr bil-Maarouf wal-Nahy an al-Munkar (AMNM), literally Commanding Virtue and Banning Vice, is the vice police Egyptians used to hear of in the more conservative Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia. Dressed in Islamic garb, its members roam the streets to check passers-by are adhering to the...
This article from the Huffington Post draws attention to Christians living in Muslim countries and states that American Christians are not doing enough to help their religious brethren.
Father ‘Abd al-Masīh Basīt, Priest of the Virgin Mary Church in Musturud, comments on the case against him by Dr. Yūsuf Zaydān, the author of ‘‘Azāzīl’ novel.
Dr. Denis MacEoin believes that the British government must stop extremist tendencies from developing in Muslim schools in the U.K
The Egyptian culture minister has called for accepting all religions; not just the three Abrahamic ones. The statement is a controversial one has divided opinions amongst religious scholars in Egypt.
The following article presents the second in a series discussing the “talibanization” of education in Egypt.
Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm tells how Western interest in Egypt has shifted to social and religious issues.
The author reviews the opinions of Muslim scholars about the issue of recognizing Egyptians of Bahā’ī faith in official documents like identity cards as well as questions about marriage with Bahā’īs.
Two weeks ago, al-Fajr published a letter sent in by a Bahā’ī reader, who discussed in detail the principles of the Bahā’ī faith. In its issue of June 19, 2006, al-Fajr publishes two more letters sent in by Muslim readers responding to what they described as falsehoods contained in the...


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