Displaying 1 - 10 of 353.
Anglican Archbishop Mouneer proposed the title Comparing inclusive Citizenship in Egypt with Europe. The comparison with Europe was important to the Archbishop since it is not all rosy in Europe, yet Mr.Belder chose to focus on Egypt alone. Mr.Bas Belder is a former journalist for the...
Nour Saad is Egyptian, a former student at the DEO, studies political science and sociology in Germany, and interned between March 1 and April 2, 2020, with the Center for Arab-West Understanding where she wrote a report about the cooperative religious education at the German Evangelical...
Mr. Bas Belder was between 1999 and 2019 one of the very few members in the European Parliament showing an active interest in the position of Christians in the Middle East. He is to be complimented for his genuine interest in Christians in the Middle East but the sources he used in his paper for...
Following a three-day meeting, a group of bishops and metropolitans who had split from the main Ethiopian Orthodox Church established an ethnic and regional synod known as the “Tigray Orthodox Tewahedo Church Synod” based on a recently published canon law.
The head of the Coptic Evangelical community in Egypt, Priest Dr. Andrea Zakī, said President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī has made freedom of worship a priority, praising Egypt’s “excellent” handling of sectarian strife.
The decision to legalize 293 churches and affiliate buildings by an ad hoc committee during its meeting on October 21 should not go unnoticed. Since the first legalization efforts in May 2018, the total number of legalized churches and affiliate buildings has hit 3,453.
Dr. Candace Lukasik is an assistant professor of Religion and faculty affiliate in Anthropology and Middle Eastern Cultures at Mississippi State University. Her research focuses on the transnational politics of migration, violence, and indigeneity in the Middle East, specifically Egypt and Iraq,...
During a meeting  to discuss cooperation with the Brazilian ambassador, Paulino Franco de Carvalho Neto, the Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, emphasized that al-Azhar’s mission is to promote peace globally, as he considered all al-Azhar students and graduates as “envoys of peace” in...
More than 80 houses of Christians and 19 churches were vandalized in the state of Punjab, Pakistan, when hundreds stormed a Christian neighborhood after news of Christians allegedly desecrating the Qurʾān.  
More than 80 houses owned by Christians and 19 churches have been damaged in acts of riot in Pakistan, as announced by the Pakistani police on Friday (August 18) according to Al Arabiya news channel.


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