Displaying 301 - 310 of 723.
The slogan which the takfīr-based groups were raising is “Kill and you will be rewarded…kill an unbeliever and you will go to paradise.” At one point, the kufār [infidels] were said to be the country's leaders and senior officials, another time they were the police officers and soldiers, tourists...
The author believes that the latest bloody and hideous bombings in Riyadh have some positive aspects. Sheikhs specialized in “terrorism fatwas” renounced their “devilish” opinions that have led to bloody massacres perpetrated by terrorists who claimed to lift the banner of Jihad. Among the most...
The author continues to comment on how applying Western secularism and modernism could be harmful to Islam, as it has corrupted Christian religion and ethics in Europe. He makes it clear that those who support Western modernism are not entitled to dictate the Islamic nation a new religion discourse...
The Committee of Doctrine and Philosophy at the Islamic Research Institute started discussing research carried out by some scholars on the beliefs of the Qutb. There is a fear that the Azhar will change its stance towards the Qutbs, who are considered kufar [unbelievers].
The article reports on a seminar held in the Nasserist Party last week, which invited as its main speaker Dr. Abdel Sabour Shahin, a prominent Muslim preacher. Shahin attacked secularism and its advocates and warned against US intervention in the issue of renewing the Islamic religious discourse....
Fahmi Howeidi wrote an article in Al-Ahram titled “A Point of Order.”He discussed the issue of renewing the Islamic religious discourse, commenting on the seminar “Scientific Means for Renewing the Religious Discourse,” held by the Cairo Center for Human Rights Studies. Howeidi attacked the seminar...
The article is an interview with the new Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Gom´a. He comments on the issues of Sufism, renewing the religious discourse, issuing fatwas, modern Islamic preachers, Islam-West relations, apostasy in Islam, hisba lawsuits and applying the hudood [punishments for certain sins] of...
Christian missionary groups have increased in the north of Iraq. Some sources revealed that there is a coinciding phenomenon, that is kidnapping Iraqi children and youth and sending them to Italy. Families of those children and youth believe that they have been sent to Italy by missionary groups.
The author has made an interview with Dr. ‘Alī Mabrouk on the confiscation of his research on Islamic theology.
The author comments on the attempts of the US to intervene in the domestic affairs of Egypt through Copts.


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