Displaying 631 - 640 of 721.
Police at Cairo Airport denied Lebanese singer Najwa Karam entry last Thursday and sent her back to Beirut aboard the same plane she had boarded to Egypt.
[also published in Al-Sha’ab, April 13, 1999] The article gives some background on Salman Rushdie.
An Alexandria prosecutor has decided to charge 19 members of a dissident sect for religious contempt, judicial officials announced on 25 March.
The media no longer reports news of killing of tourists in Egypt. Terrorism has been finished. The media, however, reports from time to time news of killing of books and confiscation of thoughts of their writers. This is as bad. Physical elimination equals spiritual elimination.
In an exclusive interview, Pope Shenouda III speaks frankly to Al-Ahram Weekly about the national role of the Church, the new draft Personal Status law, and other controversial issues.
Sheikhs who had denounced many intellectuals and creative minds as apostates have now started to pronounce each other as apostates. New is the apostasy campaign waged against Dr. Nosseir is because she says that in this era women have become ministers and prime ministers as well as university...
Last week the Censorship Committee on material printed from outside Egypt banned the entry of the English version of the book "Al-Nabi" [The Prophet] written by Jibran Khalil Jibran. Authorities at the American University in Cairo told the French News Agency that it was the last in a series of 70...
Sub-Titles: A Christian lawyer accuses the priest of deviating from Christianity because of an [newspaper] article. A response to the view of a Coptic priest who rejects adoption because of its pagan, Byzantine origin: a first inside the Coptic Church, last week a lawyer filed a lawsuit demanding...
The chairman of Radio and Television Union issued secret instructions banning broadcasting of Najwa Karam’s songs in Egyptian media. Over the last 3 weeks the Lebanese singer was accused of insulting heavenly religions when she named her song after one of the prophets. If the charges are proved,...
Last May [1998], students in an American University in Cairo (AUC) course on Muslim politics complained about Maxime Rodinson’s biography "Muhammad". In less than 24 hours after a columnist decried its teaching as blasphemous, Ministry of Higher Education Minister Mufeed Shehab ordered the...


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