Displaying 701 - 710 of 721.
The article is a dialogue between the author and a Christian missionary.
A few Copts, no more than twenty persons, claim Copts in Egypt are persecuted. Copts in Egypt refute this.
The killing of three nuns in Yemen from the order established by Mother Teresa raised a lot of questions about the reason for the presence of nuns in a country that contains no Christians in the first place.
A controversy over the release of movies and video films dramatizing events in the lives of Christian saints.
Archeological officials debated for three years whether to keep the museum in its current location. It has been decided to leave it where it is and to move some Islamic artifacts to other locations.
Missionaries are responsible for the events in East Timor, according to the paper.
Brigadier-General Hamdi El-Batran will probably lose his job because of a novel he published that was based on his experience in the force.
Al-Sha’ab opens the file of another book in the AUC library that it considers to be against Islam.
The Israeli television presented a program on the religious persecution in Egypt in which it was claimed that Egypt does injustice to the Christian minority.
The author is upset about discrimination of a Cairo-University lecturer in dentistry and calls what happened "absurdities". The article explains the background behind the commotion about someone becoming a lecturer. Some people who oppose her say she is Bahai while the person herself says she is...


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