Displaying 131 - 140 of 1160.
An uneasy and anxious atmosphere surrounds Coptic churches at the time of Christmas celebrations due to the threat of further attacks from the Muslim Brotherhood, however the security services have reassured Copts that extra steps are being taken. The Egyptian Coptic Coalition demanded extra...
Bishop Bola, representative of the Orthodox Church in the 50th Committee, stated that raising the picture of al-Sīsī during Christmas celebrations was a spontaneous action and the Church has nothing to do with it. He added that it is better for Sīsī to remain in his current post, while it is better...
Rāmī Jān, the founder of Christians against the Coup, stated that the referendum has revealed the increase of the popular anger against authority. He added that the remnants of the Mubārak regime as well as Christians are those who take part in the referendum.  Jān further stated that the 25th of...
The Strong Egypt Party condemned the incidents of sectarian strife that took place in Beni Suef recently and stressed in a statement it issued yesterday (August 13), that the “bloodshed of all Egyptians is forbidden.” It further stated that Copts and Muslims have equal rights, and that the...
The Grand Mutfī Shawqī ‘Allām voted on the referendum in Nasr City. He commented that participation in the referendum is a testimony of truth that cannot be withheld (Al-Shaymā’ ‘Abd al-Lattīf, al-Tahrīr, Jan. 15, p. 11). Read original text in Arabic.
Dr. Janneke Stegeman calls for ecumenism with Islam. Good relations with Muslims are very important but one cannot ignore that the existence of Christianity in virtually all Muslim majority countries is under threat. Another problem is that most Muslims do not accept the concept of freedom of...
Objections by the constituent assembly's drafting committee over certain articles postponed debates on the article pertaining to the freedom of belief, namely the confinement of practicing religious rituals to only the three divine religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. [Muhammad Gharīb, al-...
Meanwhile, the committee overseeing the papal elections postponed interviews with candidates pending the end of a deadline to register voters. Archbishop Abram of al-Fayoum, a member of the nominations committee, said the challenges against candidates will be received by unregistered voters, adding...
In his election platform, presidential candidate Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awā said Egyptians are equal before the law, adding any discrimination among Egyptian citizens on the basis of religion, ethnicity or sex is a crime that has to be punishable by the law. [Muná Abū Sakīn, al-Wafd, May 15, p. 9] ...
Additionally, the Committee in charge of the papal elections resumed reviewing candidates for the St. Mark chair after the process was delayed because of the sanguinary incidents of al-‘Abbāssīyah. A source from the committee said that there are 16 candidates, including monks, archbishops and...


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