Displaying 481 - 490 of 1160.
Sāmiḥ Fawzī comments on the media promoting sectarian strife.
Wā’il ‘Abd al-Fattāh traces the history of Najīb Maḥfūz’s novel ‘Awlād Ḥaritnā’ [Children of Gebelawi].
Several human rights activists accused the second article of the Egyptian Constitution of flouting the non-Muslims rights at a symposium held by Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies on ’ the plight of the freedom of belief in Egypt.’
Pope Benedict XVI urged the Islamic world, at his end-of-year speech to the Roman Curia, to respect human rights and the freedom of faith as the Catholic Church had done in the past.
A Supreme Administrative Court ruling denying Egyptian Bahā’īs the right to have their religion recognized on official documents has sparked heated controversy in human rights circles. The ruling stated that the Bahā’ī faith is not a religion, hence it should not be listed on identification...
Denmark, which provoked an outcry in Egypt due to the offensive cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, permitted the appearance of a veiled Muslim presenter on its television contrary to Egypt which considers veiled presenters a diabolical thing.
The author responds to the debates over ‘The Da Vinci Code’ and Judas’ Gospel, showing some steps to follow in such matters.
The Supreme Administrative Court has issued its verdict brushing away the Administrative Judicial Court’s decree, which had permitted the notation of Bahā’ism in official documents.
Umnīyah al-Najjār writes about a controversial conference that was recently held in Tehran on the Holocaust.
Many of the issues considered as belonging to the proven and known in Islām can change according to time and circumstances. What some think as protection from foreign danger is really a restriction of development that gives one group of clergymen the authority to control the beliefs and...


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