Displaying 901 - 910 of 1162.
Many writings claim that Islam is against the values of Western civilization such as democracy, freedom, human rights, tolerance and accepting the other. The opinions of scholars such as Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, minister of Awqaf [Endowments] and Dr. Muhammad Abdel Halim, head of the Saleh...
Nasr Hamid Abu Zeid does not like to be presented as the oppressed or the exiled intellectual. In his writings, he confirmed that the aim of his discussions and questions is “not doubting the validity but attempting to understand.” He untiringly calls for “the freedom of research, discussion and...
The latest report released by the U.S. State Department concerning human rights in the Middle East for year 2003 strongly attacked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The report is evidence for behind-the-curtain movements to pressure Saudi Arabia to stop applying a number of Islamic hadds, such as the...
The initiative of the Brotherhood reveals a deficiency in the way the Brotherhood understands democracy. There is a more obvious deficiency in the way it understands scientific knowledge which we should seek its means under the fundamentals of this true religion [according to the Brotherhood’s...
MP Tala’at Al-Sadat submitted a request for information regarding the showing of “The Passion of the Christ” in Egyptian theaters. Al-Sadat considered the showing of the film in Egypt, with its portrayal of Jesus Christ, a prologue to the portrayal of prophet Muhammad. This, according to Al-Sadat,...
Muslim intellectual Dr. Abdel Azim Al-Mata’ani said the Azhar is playing a vital role in the confrontation against deviant thought that views itself as innovation, adding the Azhar is not entitled to confiscate any works of art.
The French Supreme Council for Visual and Audible Information refused the request of the Representative Council of Jewish-French Organizations to reconsider the decision of allowing the television channel Al-Manar, which belongs to Hezbollah, to broadcast its programs to France.
Discussions about Amr Ibn Al-’As as prominent 7th century Muslim leader who conquered Egypt.
There is a current debate concerning Amr Ibn Al-'As, and whether he was a pious figure. Islamic imposters have viciously attacked anyone who criticizes him, claiming that he is an Islamic figure, and affording him a holiness that has no religious or historical support.
There has recently been an uproar against [prominent dramatist] Usama Anwar Okasha for allegedly transgressing against Islam. This article presents his opinions.


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