Displaying 171 - 180 of 255.
Mijāhid Khalaf interviews the Islamic thinker Zaghlūl al-Najjār, who discusses the West’s misperceptions of Islam.
During sessions of the Islamic ideology meeting in al-Husayn area, Dr Mustafá al-Fiqī urged the Minister of Awqāf to give a speech about Islam at the same German university where Pope Benedict XVI attacked Islam.
Sectarian tension erupted in Assuit’s peaceful village of Bahīj after Yūsuf Fathī Ni‘nā‘, a Copt, declared his Islam amidst strong opposition from his family.
A man married an ugly rich woman to overcome his poverty and decided later to get rid of her by converting to Islam.
Further titles:- State’s Security Major Fouad Alam: The MB of today is not different from that of the 1940s and 50s. They have a secret cell which is ready to attack, they are just waiting for a chance.- Mamoun El Hudeibi: We will not change our thoughts and programs. We will remain as we are till...
The story of a Christian boy who converted to Islam in return for sweets, and the father’s response, which was jokingly to offer a Muslim boy a larger packet of sweets to become a Christian, is presented as a positive example of Muslim-Christian relations, since both boys’ fathers shared the joke.
El-Wafd publishes a statement of an Islamic missionary committee who converted 10,000 Asian workers, among them many Catholic Filipinos, to Islam in the past 9 years.
Subtitle:Will I convert from Islam? A serious confession - our Islam is about to collapseEl- Muslimun of July 18 laments that Muslims exert much effort to get Christians to say the Islamic creed, but once they are Muslim, very little is done to help the new converts. Several examples of converts’...
According to the paper, the Roman Catholic Church is worried about the great number of conversions to Islam.
If you are Christian, 10,000 pounds, the price of a forged certificate that indicates the conversion to another denomination or religion, is the cost of divorce.


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