Displaying 151 - 160 of 210.
Al-Ahrām reports Wednesday that Arab media have given major attention to the interview granted to the paper on Monday by Habīb al-‘Ādlī, the Egyptian Minister of the Interior, in which he revealed information about the attack on the Church of the Two Saints in Alexandria on New Year’s Day.   It...
    As southern Sudan prepares to vote this week on a possible secession from the north, Sunnī Khālid says that the African-American community is also divided on the issue...      
Human rights activist and Legal Adviser to the Church, Najīb Jibrā'īl, is organizing a demonstration to take place on September 11th outside the Supreme Court of Egypt. This demonstration will protest against the mass burning of the Qur'ān scheduled for the same day, organized by American Priest...
Lam‘ī reports on the western inference in the Middle East region and the role of Arabs in resistance. 
The US TV channel FOXNews said on its website that some Republicans and Democrats have filed a memo to the US State Department calling for an investigation into the claim that some Coptic women in Egypt are forced to marry Muslims.    
The American Religious Freedoms Committee does not feel satisfied with the verdict issued acquitting the four Muslims accused of killing a Copt. They described the verdict as a reflection of the absence of justice in dealing with the violent sectarian incidents between Copts and Muslims which,...
The author discusses the relationship between American policy and the rights of minorities, with specific reference to the Copts in Egypt.
The author reflects on the crucial role that the United States of America has played all over the world since its emergence as a major power.
The Egyptian press discusses the recent visit of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom and responses from various commentators. The papers also note Pope Shenouda’s refusal to receive the delegation from the committee.
The article deals with the reference Barack Obama made to Copts in his historic speech in Cairo.


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