Displaying 41 - 50 of 116.
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has alerted to the increase of Islamophobia cases in Belgium. The committee issued a report which criticized the Belgian government for its failure to take measures to address this issue. It called for establishing national organizations...
Organization Danish Halal that includes more than 53 Muslim organizations has criticized the decision of the Danish Ministry of Agriculture to ban any form of animal-slaughter without making them unconscious first. It considered this decision to be discriminatory against some religious minorities (...
The Bulgarian police detained more than 120 people after hundreds of nationalists and soccer fans attacked a mosque in Plovdiv and smashed its windows with stones. The protesters then walked through the city, chanting racist slogans and approaching the mosque that was surrounded by police men. The...
  The Muslim community in the city of Linz, Austria, is outraged after the Red Cross refused to accept a blood donation by Muslims. The Islamic IRG foundation (Austria-based charity group for Austrian Muslims) had been campaigning for Muslims to donate blood, but the Red Cross rejected the blood...
Grand Imam Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyib, Shaykh al-Azhar, called on the West to respect the beliefs of Arabs and Muslims. During a meeting with Stavros Lambrinidis, the European Union's Representative for Human Rights, the Grand Imam said that the East and West have different definitions of the term human...
The sufī tarīqah sheikhs announced their rejection of an EU  that they believe to be an intervention in Egyptian internal affairs.  The EU statement denounced “the absence of a fully inclusive process, the lack of attempts to overcome the polarization of society and reducing political space for...
 A recent research discovered that attacks against Muslims have increased in France over the past few years. The French Islamic Council stated that anti-Islamic acts have increased 11.3% in 2013 and 34% in 2012 and 28.3% in 2011 (Author not mentioned, al- Misrī al- Yawm, Feb. 7). Read original text...
British papers have revealed the story of a an Egyptian youth called ‘Abd al- Majuīd ‘Abd al- Bārī. 
The number of hate crimes against Muslims have increased in the West in the past year.  The new year started with weaknesses in the legal system that made it difficult tohold the wrong- doers accountable. The newspaper refers to an article on the Datehookup site which stated that anti- Muslim...
The Gaurdian newspaper has decided to publish ads that are said to be funded by the Muslim Brotherhood, requesting David Cameron, British Prime Minister, to cancel the investigations that he ordered of the activities of the organization. 


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