Displaying 51 - 60 of 116.
Anonymous sources stated that the Muslim Brotherhood sent a letter to the Government of the UK, which was published by British newspapers.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Egypt's Foreign Minister Sāmiḥ Shukrī has received a phone call from his Dutch counterpart Stef Blok, apologizing for the cartoon contest offensive to Islam. The contest was supposed to take place at the Dutch Parliament.
iMediaEthics Critiques Misreporting About Egypt
This text is a translation of the Menno Simons lecture of Prof. Dr. Hans Achterhuis, November 2014. It was later published under the title “Vreedzaam vechten is de weg” (Peaceful fighting is the way) in the magazine 'Streven,' October 2015. It later was translated for and published by Arab-West...
“The roundtable meeting invitation by the U.S. embassy in Cairo with Clinton was extended to Christian figures to discuss the status of Christians in Egypt. However, I, as an Egyptian politician, am ready to discuss issues of citizenship and human rights with Egyptians on national grounds but I...
“This Saturday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will do something that no U.S. Secretary of State has ever done: meet with a democratically elected president of Egypt. The meeting should be about more than symbolism. Egyptian women were at the forefront of their revolution, but the systemic...
Khālid Abū al-Fadl, an Egyptian residing in the United States, chairman of the Islamic philosophy department in the U.S. University of Yale and former member of the U.S. Congress United States Commission on International Religious Freedoms (USCIRF), dismissed reported pressures by the U.S. on SCAF...
On Saturday, September 30, 2017, a female South Korean tourist (36) was killed in Siwa, the capital city of a remote oasis in Egypt’s Western Desert with the same name. The victim was stabbed several times, by an Egyptian man (27) from Alexandria, whom she has been meeting in Cairo prior to...
John Casson, British ambassador to Egypt, met with appellate defender Najjād al-Bur ̔ī to discuss the current state of human rights in Egypt. Al-Bur ̔ī is the president of United Group, an Egyptian law firm which focuses on human rights cases. 
Hāla Muṣṭafā was born in Egypt in 1958, although Muṣṭafā was appointed to be a member of the new Policies Committee of the National Democratic Party (NDP) in 2002, Muṣṭafā presents herself as an independent writer and thinker more than a party member. This commitment is reflected in her...


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