Displaying 31 - 38 of 38.
Dr. Hassan Wagieh from the Azhar University stresses that Sūrah 2:256 is not abrogated or canceled by other verses.
Imām Fadel Soliman responds to allegations of Dr. Hans Jansen on whether Sūrah 2: 256 had been abrogated. Fadel Soliman explains the concept of abrogation and explains there is no consensus among Muslim scholars but there is a clear majority view and minority view.
Drs. Hulsman comments on a frequently referenced Qur’ānic verse that comments on compulsion in religion, and the misinterpretation that frequently accompanies the verse.
A background on monasticism in Islam, Christianity, and Egypt.
An article presenting clarification on a number of Qur’ānic verses referenced by Geert Wilders in his film ’Fitna.’
Jamāl al-Bannā reviews the contents of a Web site of a Sudanese Muslim scholar who belongs to the Qur’anis Group. The Sudanese scholar refuted the teaching of a book that belonged to a member of the ‘Sunnah Supporters’ group which affirmed that the Prophetic Sunnah is as important to Muslims as the...
In a conference held at the Bibliotheca Alexandria, Bīshop Bīshūy attributed the Arabic translation of the Bible to the efforts of the Umayyad and Abbasid Orthodox caliphs. He further accused everyone who considered Jesus Christ as God to be a polytheist.
Reading the Qur’an is an act of worship which is highly recommended. The Prophet tells us that "actions are by intention, and everyone shall receive only what he has intended." This means that a good action done with a bad intention in mind will not receive the reward of the same action done for a...


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