Displaying 281 - 290 of 934.
The author discusses the recent confrontations in the Egyptian Parliament between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Interior Minister Habīb al-‘Ādlī over a number of thorny issues.
Disturbance and personal struggles are occurring amongst the lawyers of Muslim Brotherhood at the Lawyers’ Syndicate.
The author discusses establishing a union of vocational syndicates to solve the problems facing such syndicates but warns against political or religious groups controlling it.
On Sunday, a large number of independent and opposition members of parliament, including members of the "banned" Muslim Brotherhood, stormed out of a parliamentary session that was held to discuss substantial amendments to the judiciary law. This was in protest against a remark by the speaker of...
Muhammad ‘Alī Ibrāhīm analyzes the Muslim Brotherhood’s demand to make Islamic law, Sharī‘ah, the only source of legislation in the Egyptian Constitution.
The honor and shame culture is examined in discussion of the insult of raising a shoe towards an opponent and it is argued that the government must take real action in the face of such behavior.
The author tackles statements made by Yihyā al-Jamāl, in which he asserted that there is no political party in Egypt except the Muslim Brotherhood.
Rose al-Yousuf interviews the head of the Washington-based U.S. Copts Association (USCA), Michael Munīr, who expresses his point of view on a number of issues, including the recent suspension of the activities of the U.S. Republican Institute, the demands of Egyptian judges and the strong...
The article tackles the problems with the Islamic-Christian dialogue, highlighting the problems Copts are facing regarding their integration into Muslim society.
Engineer Sāmī al-Bihirī, a cynical writer currently living in the Unites States of America speaks about challenges for Copts in Egypt, internal affairs and terrorism.


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