Displaying 381 - 390 of 934.
Claims that the Muslim Brotherhood is attempting to take control over the board of sports clubs.
Since democracy was, and still is, missing in the Muslim Brotherhood, men of the second line of the Brotherhood hierarchy fought over the position of supreme guide, who holds all powers. The article briefly sheds light on conflicts over the position.
[According to “A Basic Dictionary of Islam” by Ruqaiyyih Waris Maqsood, Al-Khawarij are the people who dissented from the religion and disagreed with the rest of the Muslims]
The Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood denied that there have been contacts between leaders of the Brotherhood and American officials. The denial came in a response to the article by Ma´moun Fandy published in Asharq Al-Awsat about the “dialogue between the Brotherhood and Americans in...
It is a fatal mistake to consider religious terrorism an abnormal act that is perpetrated by a group of abnormal youths. Religious terrorism is the product of an existing mentality and culture. We condemn religious violence, but we do not review its causes. We fear the results of this review, for...
The article is about the discussions that took place at the iftar dinner hosted by the Muslim Brotherhood. The speeches of many of those who attended the iftar flattered the Brotherhood to the extent that one wonders how possible they see the Brotherhood this way while belonging to other parties....
Dr. Usama Al-Baz, the political advisor of the Egyptian President, denied that personal affairs are involved in the way the regime is dealing with the Muslim Brotherhood. He stressed that President Mubarak does not treat the Brotherhood or any political trend as an enemy as long as it functions in...
Egyptian Minister of Information and the Secretary General of the ruling National Party Safwat Al-Sherif emphatically denied any intention by his party to include the Muslim Brotherhood in the dialogue the party is making with the opposition. Al-Sherif stressed that the dialogue will only include...
The article reports about the developments of the crisis between MPs affiliated to the Brotherhood and the Minister of Culture over the book “Commandments on Loving Women” by Ahmed Al-Shahawi which was published by the Book Organization and recommended to be banned by the Islamic Research Institute...
The article reports about the developments of the crisis between MPs affiliated to the Brotherhood and the Minister of Culture over the book “Commandments on Loving Women” by Ahmed Al-Shahawi which was published by the Book Organization and recommended to be banned by the Islamic Research Institute...


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