Displaying 421 - 430 of 934.
The article is an interview with Ma´amoun Al-Hodeibi, the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood. He commented on the role which the group played in the latest elections of the Journalists´ Syndicate, the relation between the group and the government, the attitude of the group towards...
The author explains how the Muslim Brotherhood group was the beginning of Islamized terrorism in Egypt.
The writers discuss the relation between the election in the Journalists´ Syndicate and the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The author explains how the Muslim Brotherhood group was the beginning of Islamized terrorism in Egypt.
The author believes that no complete separation can take place between politics and religion. The relation between the two takes on many forms. If this relation takes on the right form, things will go well.
The author defends the Muslim Brotherhood, rejecting the idea that it is just a violent group, arguing that although they used violence in certain circumstances, they did not invent the use of violence.
Rajab al-Murshidī writes on the attempts of two banned groups; the Brotherhood and al-Jamā‘a al-Islāmīya to convince Āfāq ‘Arabīya newspaper to be their media platform.
The author tackles in his article the recent fears on the Egyptian street after the victory of an unprecedented number of Muslim Brotherhood candidates in the parliamentary elections.
A warning for physicians: do not examine a female patient without the presence of her mahram [A person with whom marriage is forbidden. A relationship by marriage or close blood ties that permanently prohibits marriage between two people, and therefore they are allowed to be in privacy together...
The article is a comment on the letter of Magdy Al-Barbari to Sawt Al-Umma.


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