Displaying 31 - 40 of 70.
Fr. Emilio Platti (1943-2021) sadly suddenly passed away on October 25, 2021. Dutch Arabist and journalist Eildert Mulder decided to honor his memory through a book review of his latest book De Koran herontdekt, Averbode: Uitgeverij Averbode|‌Erasme N.V, 2020, 96 pages.[1] Platti’s book describes...
On December 20, 2020, Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī posted a tweet, blaming a lack of thinking on Muslims’ part for their current circumstances.  He quoted French Philosopher René Descartes’s saying “I think; therefore, I am,” but added that he fears that it will be said of Muslims: “You are not because you do...
Since the arrival of the novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, human life has completely changed.  Every place of gathering whether for worship or entertainment has been closed to people.  However, this is not the first time in human history that mosques have been closed. 
The director of the Egyptian Liberal Democracy Institute, Dāliyyā Ziyāda, said that the Administrative Court was right in rejecting the appeal case against the niqāb-Ban for teaching staff at Cairo University. Ziyāda confirmed that it is important for every working woman to be able to communicate...
Dr. Ṭāriq Manṣūr writes about his personal reflections on the meaning of religious tolerance as seen from Islam and Christianity in Egypt.  He focuses on examples from the Prophet’s life and the Quran [al-Qurān] that support religious tolerance from an Islamic perspective. 
Recently, books published in the Western publishing market have shown great interest in religious matters, whether for Islam, Christianity or Judaism.
Abū al-ʿIlā Mosque is considered a blessed spot, but also a place of refuge for worshippers and those in need. It is also an obligatory destination for art and architecture lovers to enjoy its accuracy and splendor as well as its spirituality.
Ḥāzim, Ibrāhīm and Aḥmad are three young men in the Faculty of Fine Arts. They have spent many days before al-Ṣāliḥ Ayyūb Mosque and in the libraries of Cairo and Alexandria to produce a detailed maquette of the original architecture of this worn-out mosque.
Dr. Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah assured that the kufār in the times of Jāhilīyyah (pre- Islamic times) used to respect the harām months and prohibit killing during those months.
In the post-colonial Arab and Islamic states, the political mentality and culture were dominated by two models that originated from different mental and cultural sources and led to similar results, including the consolidation of the unilateral view, the curtailment of differences, and the quest for...


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