Displaying 21 - 30 of 59.
The Observatory for Monitoring Takfiri Fatwas and Extremist Views condemned the terrorist attack targeting a Greek Orthodox priest in the French city of Lyon.
In a meeting led by Shaykh of al-Azhar Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib on Monday, the Muslim Council of Elders condemned the systematic campaign seeking to disparage the Prophet Muḥammad and mock Islam under the motto of “freedom of expression.”  It also condemned the murder of French teacher Samuel Paty as...
Since the beheading of a French history teacher by a religious extremist in France, French officials have been facing outcry on social media for their statements insisting the incident is linked to Islam. 
Recently, religious institutions have rejected and condemned Charlie Hebdo’s republication of the images insulting the Prophet Muḥammad.  At the same time, there have also been media reports of an extremist burning the Qur’an in Sweden, and French reactions and stances on the issue continue to...
Many of the Coptic and secular leadership in Alexandria expressed their anger at a magazine that had placed Father Rāfāʾ īl, Bishop of central Cairo churches, on a picture with the former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muḥammad Badīʿ. The leaders considered this act an insult and an unacceptable...
His Eminence, the Grand Imam Dr. Aḥmad Al-Ṭayyib welcomed John Barsa, Acting Head of the United States Agency for International Development in Washington, and his delegation on Wednesday.
The young preacher, ‘Abdullāh Rushdī, did not expect that his muscles and his interest in his physical build would be a reason to put him under investigation by the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs and his exclusion from public speaking, preaching and giving religious lessons in mosques...
Danny Danon, Israel’s UN representative, has called the New York Times to punish for the publication of an "anti-Semitic" cartoon, despite formal apologies from the newspaper and the drawing’s removal from NYT web-site. The political cartoon was published last Thursday in the international print...
In the wake of increased incidents related to Islamophobia, the current British government, under the control of the conservative party, is trying to figure out a way to define Islamophobia, after rejecting the APPG's proposed definition, in order to meet the practical and legal challenges facing...
Social networks are the most powerful promotional tools for extremist leaders and diplomatic speeches increasing anger and prejudice.   Hate and anger on social media are not restricted to normal users but have spread to the ones responsible for our countries.   


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