Displaying 21 - 30 of 81.
The waters of the Nile flooded the lower floor of the Church of the Virgin Mary in Maadi [Maʿādī], due to the high water-level of the Nile. This led to the sinking of the basement, some rooms, and the walkway of the church, and it also threatened the structural integrity of the ancient church.
The activities of the first “Logos Forum” for the youth of the Coptic Orthodox Church ended this evening, under the supervision and the attendance of Pope Tawāḍrūs II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, which is entitled "Enjoying the Roots 2021", with the participation of 200...
The Coptic Orthodox Church has decided to hold a weekly sermon in the English language in one of Hurghada's churches in the Red Sea governorate to promote tourism in coastal cities.
During the Mediterranean Conference in the Italian city “Santa Maria de Leuca”, Father Jonathan di Marco, director of the public sector for tourism at the Vatican, announced that the route of “the Holy Family’s Journey in Egypt” has been added to the map of religious touristic paths in Italy and...
The Coptic Orthodox Church announced the inauguration of the Virgin Mary Monastery in Mount Asyūṭ (known as the Monastery of Durunka). The opening ceremony of the monastery’s archaeological cave after its restoration witness the presence of Bishop Yūʾanis, bishop of Asyut along with a number of...
Orthodox Copts will celebrate the Birth of Virgin Mary in the next month, during which they will visit monasteries and churches. The Virgin’s Monastery in Durnuka Mountain, in Asyūṭ, holds particular fame as it was the last stop for the holy family on their way to Palestine.
MP Representative Nūrā ʿAlī, head of the Tourism and Civil Aviation Committee at the House of Representatives, will discuss next week the project of the Holy Family Path’s revival.
On Wednesday, His Holiness Pope Tawāḍrūs II, Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, received the Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Amjad Adaileh [Amjad al- ʿAḍāylih], at the Papal Headquarters in Cairo, who passed onthe greetings of King Abdullah II [ʿAbd Allāh] of Jordan to...
Several dioceses of St Mark in Upper Egypt governorates have announced the organisation of Coptic festivals [mawlid] during the current and upcoming period, despite the severe outbreak of the new virus variant, which has claimed the lives of a number of bishops, priests and monks, and infected...
His holiness Pope Tawāḍrūs II said that the visit of the Holy Family to Egypt is a real blessing. He said: “Egypt was subjected to hardships many times and came out of it with its head held high, thanks to the Holy Family’s visit to its land; Our country, our land, our history and our geography is...


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