Displaying 231 - 240 of 243.
Pope Tawadros’ statements today confirmed his belief that the Egyptian Army is not to blame for the bloodshed in the Maspero incident. He claimed, instead that the Muslim Brotherhood provoked the incident when they tricked Christian youth into entering a violent confrontation with the Egyptian Army...
Bishop Tawadros said that the assault on the Papal Headquarters during the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood was the first in all of Islamic History. He added that the Muslim Brotherhood started the violence against protesters at Maspero in order to lure the Christians into a violent confrontation...
Pope Tawāḍrūs: Egypt stands out among the world’s countries The Coptic Patriarch Tawāḍrūs said that the first monk lived in Egypt, where the first congregation was founded too, and that the Egyptian nation therefore has a special place in human history. Using the metaphor of the lighthouse, he...
The Pope’s statements declare the innocence of the Egyptian Army in the bloodshed at Maspero Pope Tawadros’ statements today confirmed his belief that the Egyptian Army is not to blame for the bloodshed in the Maspero incident. He claimed instead that the Muslim Brotherhood provoked the incident...
A coalition of Coptic Leaders submits legislation addressing tribal conflicts to Bishop Tawadros A coalition of Coptic leaders met with Pope Tawadros and submitted to him legislation to address the sectarian conflicts the previous coalition was dealing with. Bishop Tawadros promised to study the...
Bishop Tawadros: the Maspero incident was a deception perpetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood Bishop Tawadros said that the assault on the Papal Headquarters during the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood was the first in all of Islamic History. He added that the Muslim Brotherhood started the violence...
President, Prime and Interior Ministers offer condolences to Pope Tawādrūs for Egyptian martyrs in Libya Prime Minister Ibrāhīm Mahlab and Interior Minister General Muhammad Ibrāhīm accompanied Egypt’s President ‛Abd al-Fatāh al-Sīsī on a visit to Saint Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo to offer their...
Badrān: Personal status laws are creating a new generation of children on the streets Doctor Hudā Badrān, the President of the Egyptian Women’s Union, said that Personal Status Laws are most focused on the role of the family, adding that the laws treat women as they were treated decades ago. She...
  The National Council for Women submits proposal to get women into leadership roles  At a UNESCO conference called “Freedom of the Press in the World Today” Egyptian Ambassador Mīrfat al-Tālawī said that for her, the value of the conference lies in getting  to know the challenges facing women in...
The Muslim Brotherhood group said its Murshid (Guide) Muhammad Badīʿ  will visit Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawāḍrūs II on Tuesday (November 27) for the first time since the 118th patriarch’s investiture. [ʿImād Khalīl and Teresa Kamāl, al-Misrī al-Yawm, Nov. 27, p. 3] Read original text in Arabic


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