Displaying 21 - 30 of 91.
This article first appeared in Pokrof in 2011 under the title Strakke Koptische Huwelijkswetgeving leidt tot spanningen; binnenkerkelijk, politiek en interreligieus.  AWR reader Dr. Rachel Scott, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies in the Department of Religion and Culture at Virginia Tech...
After 57 years of demands by the Coptic Orthodox Church to the state for the adoption of a unified personal status law, the Christian communities finally agreed on a draft law, to solve the Coptic crisis of “divorce and the second marriage.”  
Yesterday, the leaders of the Orthodox, Catholic, Evangelical and Episcopal churches met at the Saint Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in al-‘Abbasīa with the legal advisors for discussing the articles of the new Personal Status Law for Egypt’s Christians.   
Pope Tuwadrus II held a meeting with the Coptic Catholic Patriarch Ibrahim Ishaq and the President of the Evangelical Community in Egypt Andrīa Zakī at St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in ‘Abbasīa for discussing a unified draft for the Personal Status law of Christians.   
Counselor Yūsuf Ṭalʿat, legal representative of the Evangelical Church, revealed the details of the meeting of the heads of the Egyptian churches at the papal headquarters at the Cathedral of St. Mark's in ʿAbbāsiyya.
Before the Coptic Orthodox altar lot that decided the new Coptic Orthodox Pope, candidates for the Coptic Orthodox papal seat promised to take care of hanging issues in the Church. 
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II met with “Copts 38” group and said that if the Church decided to nullify a marriage then a civil divorce should take place
‘Amr ‘Abd al-Hādī, a member of the constitution-drafting panel’s communications & proposals committee, said differences still exist over Article II as both the 1938 Copts League and Salafists refuse its current drafting.  
Meanwhile, Nādir al-Sirafī, the official spokesman of the 1938 Copts League, which advocates divorce and remarriage in Christianity, threatened to challenge the unconstitutionality of an article proposed by the church in the constitution that reads “non-Muslims may have recourse to their own...
“Divorce is granted only in the case of adultery”—This is the solution the Coptic Constitution offers those who are affected by personal status crises and seek separation and divorce.  The late Pope Shinūda III issued a regulation in 2008 that expanded the reasons for divorce to two: adultery...


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