Displaying 51 - 60 of 112.
Dr. Khālid ʿUmrān, Secretary-General of Fatwa at Dār al-Iftāʾ al-Miṣriyyah, said that the practice of female circumcision, which has caused great harm in Egypt and other Arab and African countries, is religiously prohibited (ḥarām), and whoever commits this crime is guilty for the damages and...
The United Nations condemned the tragic death of Nadā, a twelve-year-old girl from Asyūṭ, who died while getting circumcised by a doctor.  The UN said in a statement that they are shocked by senseless deaths like these, which continue to happen in 2020 despite gainful advances to end this harmful...
The National Council for Women wrote an official complaint to Google administrators asking them to take down the music video “Salmonella” by the singer Tamīm. In the complaint, the Council points out that the song contains disrespectful language to women, undermines their rights, and openly incites...
The city of al-Manṣūrah in Egypt’s Delta witnessed a mass sexual harassment of two girls, coinciding with the release of a song by Egyptian artist Tamīm Yūnis, which some believe incites more violence against women.  The incident happened on New Year’s Eve, and a shocking video published on social...
Egyptian women experience different kinds of violence and recently the violations against female human rights activists and women’s rights defenders have increased. According to the organisation, Nazra for Feminist Studies, the violations against women in Egypt are increasing. These violations...
Recently, books published in the Western publishing market have shown great interest in religious matters, whether for Islam, Christianity or Judaism.
Minister of Women's Affairs Dr. Āmāl Ḥamad discussed with Egyptian Ambassador to the State of Palestine ʿIṣṣām al-Dīn ʿĀshūr the mechanisms of cooperation in supporting women's issues, human rights, and gender equality at the embassy in Ramallah [Rām Allāh] today.
It is a sunny winter morning in Cairo when I and a small group from the Maadi Community Church (MCC) take the road for al-Qanāṭir prison. Located in al-Qanāṭir area, at the apex of the Nile Delta, al-Qanāṭir prison includes the only big female prison in Egypt. In addition, the complex hosts a...
When an opportunity presented itself for a seventeen year old female refugee from South Sudan to flee, she took it.  However, upon arriving to Cairo, she was imprisoned in a residential apartment for three months where she was repeatedly raped. After this horrifying experience, she discovered that...
Statements by ʿAbd Allāh Rushdī, an Egyptian researcher, imām, and preacher at al-Sayiddah Nafīssah Mosque, about marrying female captives and having sex with them is causing a flurry of backlash.  When he was asked on Twitter about owning a female slave and having sex with her, he said, “She is a...


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