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Representatives of political parties, factions and election experts requested President Adly Mansūr to withhold the bill of Political Rights and the House of Representatives and leave the task of issuing it to the president-elect, Abd al- Fattāh al-Sīsī after he swears in. This was during a round...
Pastor Rifʿat Fikrī, President of the Media Committee of the Egyptian Council of Churches, stated that the Egyptian church returned the code of personal status for Copts to Counselor Majdī al-ʿAjātī, Minister of Legal Affairs and Parliament, to discuss and amend it.
The author reports on research by ‘Ādil Jundī, who comments on the real number of presidential decrees regarding building churches.
Mufīd Shihāb discusses human rights conditions in Egypt with the assistant of the American Secretary of State for Democracy and Human Rights Affairs. .
Watanī presents different opinions toward the draft unified law for houses of worship. The opinions include those of members of parliament and Shūrá Council members.
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