Displaying 61 - 70 of 98.
This article by Watani gives a brief overview of the new book by Talaat Radwan entitled "Egyptian Culture and Religious Fundamentalism before and after July 1952."
Dr. Charles Tannock, a member of the European parliament, talks about the situation of Copts in Egypt.
Sawt al-Ummah interviews Shaykh ‘Alī ‘Abd al-Bāqī, Secretary General of the Islamic Research Center.
The idea of enlightenment has the power to change a society and apply the dream of a civil society. In Egyptian society this would mean getting rid of both the Coptic and Islamic salafī way of thinking, which imposes fanaticism and rejects change, as well as getting rid of the religious state.
This article deals with the delicate issue of the wearing of the Niqab in France. Most in France disagree with the wearing of this certain veil because they fear it is a forced wearing by Islamic society, but is not actually the choice of the women wearing. The disagreements are fierce, and even...
Robeir al-Faris provides a round up of the Cairo press this month. He covers the case of the murder trial of Marwa al-Shirbīni which is taking place in Germany, looking in particular at an article written by Ibrāhīm Isá in al-Dustūr that reflects on the Egyptian reaction to the case. Al-Faris also...
Watani International analyses two recent issues that it sees as indicative of the increasing fanaticism in Egyptian society. The first is that of a fatwá that stated that it is a sin for Muslims to leave money in their wills to churches and the second is the case of 155 individuals who were...
Dr. Denis MacEoin believes that the British government must stop extremist tendencies from developing in Muslim schools in the U.K
This article sheds light on the spreading social phenomenon, religiousness. It shows the great difference between false appearances and putting on the mask of religiousness, and the absent genuine religious values pointing out its negative effect on the society.
The author complains about the conservative, Muslim values that are pervading Egyptian society, as demonstrated by a young woman who would not shake the hand of the president of the Azhar for religious reasons.


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