Displaying 1 - 10 of 23.
According to a representative for the Health & Population Ministry, discussions have taken place surrounding the eradication of female circumcision as a practice in Egypt, with international organizations coming together in a bid to raise awareness on this issue and prevent violence against...
In his weekly sermon, Pope Tawāḍrūs expressed his deep concern over the suffering caused by armed conflicts, emphasizing the need to end the war in the region of Lebanon and Palestine, while upholding the ideals of wisdom, humanism, and mercy.
Dr. Walāʾ Jād al-Karīm, a member of the National Council for Human Rights, confirmed that Israel is violating both human rights and international law, pointing out that the United Nations has not been able to enter the occupied territories and follow up on human rights because Israel is refusing to...
The North Cairo Criminal Court punished Michael Fahmī in the case of indecent assault on six girls, with life imprisonment, and acquitted his wife Sally of the charge. Fahmī deceived and lured the girls to his residence and his private clinic to forcibly assault them sexually by deluding them that...
Pope Tawāḍrūs began his official visit to Alexandria on Saturday, marking the start of a visit that will last for two days. At the Cathedral of St. Mark, he attended a graduation ceremony of 120 fathers and servants. The graduates have been trained in dealing with the phenomenon of domestic...
The Ministry of Interior issued a statement revealing the circumstances of the abduction of a six-year-old boy from the village al-Shāmiyya who was playing in front of his house when two unknown men wearing masks on a black motorcycle kidnapped him.
His Eminence the Grand Imam of al-Azhar al-Sharīf, Prof. Dr. Aḥmad al- Ṭayyib said that Islam came to liberate humanity from uncivilized practices that burdened humanity for centuries. God forbade all forms of slavery and instituted laws that protect human dignity and promote equality amongst all...
In this investigative report, Mada Masr [Madā Miṣr] interviews the victims of Michael Fahmī, who has been accused of sexually assaulting underage Coptic girls through his pseudo medical practice.  This summary focuses on the aspects of the report that examine Fahmī’s relationship with the Coptic...
The Cairo Appeals Court has received the case of Michael Fahmī and his wife, who are accused of sexually assaulting six underage girls.
The harassment of a young girl in the Maadi neighborhood sparked controversy and widespread anger in Egyptian society after a video showing the sexual assault was posted on Facebook. Activists on Twitter then launched the hashtag ‘#child_molester’, accompanied by the perpetrator’s photo.


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