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According to a representative for the Health & Population Ministry, discussions have taken place surrounding the eradication of female circumcision as a practice in Egypt, with international organizations coming together in a bid to raise awareness on this issue and prevent violence against...
Amīra, a 15 year old girl from Fayūm, experienced a terrifying nightmare that no one could have ever anticipated. 
Māya Mursī congratulated Ambassador Nabīla Makram, Minister of Immigration, on launching the "Egypt Can" Foundation, stressing that Makram is an honorable example of the Egyptian woman who managed to reach and succeed in the most important files in the country.
The lawyer Najīb Jibrā’īl has prepared a draft bill for a law that will allow Christians to adopt in Egypt.
The public prosecutor has launched an appeal on behalf of Camilia Lutfī to change the 2008 court ruling that granted her husband custody of their children.
Egyptians against Religious Discrimination have released a statement which claims that the ruling against Christian twins Andrew and Mario is a form of discrimination.
A conference held at the Azhar University, attended by Muslim scholars and medical doctors from Africa, Asia and Europe, condemns female circumcision and denies that it is a religious practice.
A German foundation finances a conference aimed at convincing Muslim scholars to prohibit female circumcision.
The article praises the achievements of Egypt’s first lady, Mrs. Suzan Mubārak whose activities, says the author, are based on genuine faith, sound thought and a practical approach.
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