Date of source: Tuesday, March 9, 1999
The draft of the new Personal Status Law sparked quite a few contentions from the Religious Committee which demanded that some of its articles are amended to be compatible with the principles of Islamic Sharia`.
Date of source: Monday, March 8, 1999
The fate of the new Personal Status Law depended over the last few days on the juridical approval of Sheikh Al-Azhar, Dr. Mohammed Sayed Tantawi. The law was amended in a series of meetings of the Jurisprudence Research Committee affiliated to Mogamma` Al-Buhouth Al-Islameyya (Islamic Research...
Date of source: Thursday, February 18, 1999 to Wednesday, February 24, 1999
Many young people are coming to believe that Urfi marriage is the only legitimate alternative to premarital sex, which is condemned as sinful. Mohamed Sayed Tantawi, the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, called upon the government to ban Urfi marriages at a Fair seminar last week, saying that "these...
Date of source: Monday, May 11, 1998
Dr. Mohammed Sayed Tantawi says the personal status law does not contradict the religious doctrine in any way. The application of the law is, however, the duty of the judge who may use his own judgment.
Date of source: Friday, May 8, 1998
The declaration of the Sheik Al-Azhar that Bait Al-Ta’a, The institution of forcing the wife who has left the house of her husband to return to it, does not exist in Islamic theology, angered a lot of Muslim scholars.