Displaying 131 - 140 of 187.
We should not blame the Coptic Church in Egypt for its concern over the conversion of so many Copts to Islam as its main task is to maintain the welfare of its followers. Such phenomenon requires further investigation away from the naive assumptions of some form of enticement behind the...
A man is a woman’s child. If the woman is suffering, then the whole of humanity is suffering too. I will not rest until all the texts of our Holy Bible are applied and respected. All laws of the Church must abide by these texts.
The Church’s non-recognition of civil divorce and its subsequent refusal to authorize marriage for a second time is in fact a very sensitive issue and must be settled once and for all. The problem facing Christians is due to an absence of dialogue and intellectual liaison between the Church and...
It has to be understood why matters are so complicated in personal status matters for Copts, who beforehand used to belong to the Church in each and every detail of their lives.
All problems that Copts face pertain to the sovereignty over personal status laws. Are personal status laws within the jurisdiction of the State or the Church? The Church deems that it has the absolute right to manage the lives of its followers and the State believes that the Law should take...
In an article dated 26/12/2005 Mr. Louis Grīs called upon His Holiness Pope Shinouda to call the Church Council for a meeting to discuss the social conditions of the Orthodox Christians that sometimes made them convert to another religion.
In the 20th century there were two ideologies concerning divorce: the first was crystallized in the Regulations of 1938, which draws on syllogism and expansion in detailing conditions of marriage collapse. The second is the prevailing policy since 1971 and is characterized by flexibility and taking...
Sabāh al-Khayr magazine recently tackled the subject ‘Copts’ divorce.’ Many think that the Church must reconsider the personal status affairs of Copts according to modern reality, but they do not have the will or the courage to declare it in public.
Muhammad Nour Farahāt, a professor of Law interested in the philosophy behind laws, stated that he has been calling for a unified personal status law for both Copts and Muslims. He believes that a nation must be governed by one law. Such a law would take into consideration both the religious and...
Divorce has become a thorny issue for Copts. The courts allow it, while churches do not and refrain from granting remarriage permissions. Christian women resort to Khul c and some call for the civil marriage to escape the stranglehold of the religious one.


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