Displaying 11 - 15 of 15.
The Culture Committee at the National Council for Women held a discussion group under the tile ‘Discrimination against women in the religious discourse.’
A recent symposium held by the National Council for Women (NCW)’s cultural committee called for making a list of cheap religious books that contain non-credible hadīths [Prophet Muhammad’s saying and tradition] despising women.
The article discusses female genital mutilation among Yemeni females. There is a wide difference between the actual teaching of Islam and what is externally practiced in various Islamic states by Muslims who have at time mixed up customs, traditions and secularism with Islamic teachings.
Lawyer Fatma Lasheen files a law suit asking to be appointed as judge. If she wins, the door will be open for women for the first time to sit on the bench.
Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, Sheikh of the Azhar University, discusses several religious issues with the students from the University of Alexandria in a meeting with them during their summer camp.


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